Deadlift Goals & Gains

Are you looking to improve your deadlift form? Welcome, you’re in the RIGHT place.

Romanian Deadlift vs Traditional Deadlift

The first thing we need to know is WHAT kind of deadlift are you performing?

  • Traditional Deadlift - Starting position is from the ground, weight will touch the ground each rep & hips sit lower in this movement.

  • Romanian Deadlift (RDL) - Starting position is from standing position, weight will most likely not reach the ground & hips remain high throughout.

  • Other Variations - Know there are TONS of deadlift variations out there. Traditional and Romanian Deadlifts are most common.

There will be specific techniques to each variation. Here we’ll focus on a few common deadlift mistakes that are relatively easy to spot (and fix!).


  • The Issue - Rounding out through the back or shoulders. May feel or look like a rag doll while performing these reps. This may cause lower back pain, pulls, strains & spinal issues.

  • The Fix - While deadlifting is a “leg exercise”… it truly is a full body movement. Before beginning squeeze through your core & engage the lats. Roll shoulders back, chest proud, squeeze your tummy & squeeze through your shoulder blades. Another helpful visualization could be to “put your shoulder blades away in your back pants pockets”.


  • The Issue - Craning through the neck and looking up, or watching yourself in the mirror the entire time. This hurts your neck muscles & upper spine.

  • The Fix - Instead we want to keep what’s called a “neutral” spine for a safe position throughout the deadlift. Focus on keeping your chin tucked under, perhaps a spot on the ground a few feet ahead to gaze at on the way down & up (verses straight ahead in a mirror).


  • The Issue - While squats and deadlifts are both excellent compound movements, they have very different focuses & movement patterns. Deadlifts are hip dominant exercises focused on hamstrings, glutes & engagement through the back. Squats on the other hand are knee dominant, with a greater focus on the quads.

  • The Fix - Begin by creating a slight athletic bend in the knees and focus on keeping shins stationary & your hip hinge movement. Also consider how low you’re reaching towards the ground. Remember, in an RDL you won’t necessarily reach the ground. In a traditional RDL if struggling with mobility, bring the ground “up” and stack a few plates or find a platform where you can lift from instead if needed.


Video yourself completing a handful of deadlifts. Come back and compare to these common mistakes. This is a great opportunity to hone in on form & function.

Get after it dream team, take it the Extra Mile!